Ensure that your end-of-life wishes are followed with our expert estate planning services. We also handle all other issues you may face within the Probate Court.

  • We provide comprehensive Estate Planning services for our clients. Our standard Estate Planning includes a Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney. For more information on these three Estate Planning services, please visit our YouTube channel for videos on each of these very important documents which everyone needs.

  • Revocable, Irrevocable, Testamentary, Special Needs

  • Joint Ownership and Rights of Survivorship are just one of the many ways that we can help our clients avoid probate. We not only provide extensive Estate Planning services, but we work with our clients to help them set up their assets in such a way that a probate is not needed to transfer their assets to their loved ones.

  • Automatic Transfers are another way we can help our clients avoid the Probate process. This can include things like setting up beneficiaries, P.O.D. elections, joint tenancies, etc. While we work with our client to identify where these are possible, most of these are available to be done by the client and does not cost them anything.

  • When a parent or loved one has reached a point where they cannot make proper medical decisions for themselves, then it is often necessary to get a guardianship from the Probate Court. This process allows you to be able to make those decisions for your loved one so that they can continue to receive the best care.

  • Often done in conjunction with a Guardianship, a conservatorship is a little different. A guardianship gives you the ability to make decisions regarding the person (i.e., health care), but a conservatorship gives you the ability to handle the financial affairs of your loved ones if they are no longer able to handle them by themselves.

  • Including: Stepparent Adoptions, Private 3rd Party Adoptions, DHR Adoptions, and Interstate Adoptions

  • An involuntary commitment is a procedure whereby a mentally ill person is involuntarily placed in the custody of the Alabama Department of Mental Health for treatment or ordered to undergo treatment in the community for mental illness. Being able to navigate this process to protect the member of your family struggling with mental illness requires a knowledgeable attorney.

  • Whether you are an adult wanting to change your name, or wanting to change the name of a minor, the process has become more cumbersome in recent years. Along with needing a proper reason, an adult name change will often require background checks and provision of other information to ensure that there is no illegal reason for the name change. Also, for a minor, the notice requirements are also often difficult to maneuver without a knowledgeable attorney.